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Cautare in cantece de dragoste dupa cuvantul: pi+la

Cautare in cantece de dragoste dupa cuvantul: pi+la - Cantece de dragoste nemuritoare care pot deveni slagarul nuntii voastre sau de ce nu tema unei serenade!

12 rezultate
Lonely nights

Lonely nights

28 Jan 2009 | Cantece de dragoste

Since you're gone There is an empty space Since you're gone The world is not the same I go back to the places we've been It feels like you're still there I live all those moments again Wishing you were here Since you're gone There is... mai multe

No one like you

No one like you

28 Jan 2009 | Cantece de dragoste

Girl it's been a long time that we've been apart Much too long for a man who needs love I miss you since I've been away. Babe it wasn't easy to leave you alone It's getting harder each time that I go If I had the choice I would stay.... mai multe

Still loving you

Still loving you

28 Jan 2009 | Cantece de dragoste

Time, it needs time To win back your love again. I will be there, I will be there. Love, only love Can bring back your love someday. I will be there, I will be there. Fight, babe, I'll fight To win back your love again. I will... mai multe

You and I

You and I

28 Jan 2009 | Cantece de dragoste

I lose control because of you babe I lose control when you look at me like this there's something in your eyes that is sayin' tonight I'm not a child anymore, life has opened the door to a new exciting life I lose control when I'm close to... mai multe

Ti-am dat un inel

Ti-am dat un inel

21 Nov 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

Poa' sa vina primavara Cu alaiul ei de flori, Poa' sa vina si-alta vara, Fara tine nu le voi. Poa' sa vina cine-o vrea sa vina Daca nu esti tu e in zadar. Seara-ncepe fara tine, Noaptea este si mai grea, Cand ma trezesc si langa mine Nu... mai multe

Te-am cautat

Te-am cautat

21 Nov 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

Strofa 1 Poate totusi te-ai pierdut Oare-ai gresit drumul Aceleasi intrebari imi pun mereu De cand ai plecat Fara tine zilele sunt ani Pustiu e totul Ma trezesc plangand fara sa vreau Iarasi te-am visat Prerefren: As putea sa... mai multe

Nu ma uita

Nu ma uita

29 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

Ca sa nu ma uiti ai noptile de argint O sa ninga in parul tau iarna sufletului meu Ca sa nu ma uiti eu ti-am lasat un vis Din amintirea zilelor cand ajungeam pana la nori. Prerefren: Daca anii se vor risipi in viata mea Lasand in urma... mai multe

Mi-e tare dor de tine

Mi-e tare dor de tine

29 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

A mai trecut un an din noi A fost si soare, au fost si ploi, Important este c-ai stat cu mine. Pastrez atatea amintiri, Eram frumosi ca doi copii, Mi-e tare dor de zilele senine! Iti amintesti cum te chemama Bateam ca ploaia, cald, in... mai multe

Because you loved me

Because you loved me

29 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

For all those times you stood by me For all the truth that you made me see For all the joy you brought to my life For all the wrong that you made right For every dream you made come true For all the love I found in you I'll be forever... mai multe

The power of love

The power of love

27 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake (First... mai multe

Forever and for always

Forever and for always

27 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

In your arms I can still feel the way you want me when you hold me I can still hear the words you whispered when you told me I can stay right here forever in your arms And there ain't no way I'm lettin' you go now And there ain't no way... mai multe

From this moment on

From this moment on

27 Oct 2008 | Cantece de dragoste

I do swear that I'll always be there. I'd give anything, and everything. And I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow. For better for worse, I will love you With every beat of my heart.) From this moment... mai multe

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