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No one like you

28 Jan 2009, 2419 accesari

Cantece de dragoste / No one like you


it's been a long time that we've been apart
Much too long for a man who needs love

I miss you since I've been away.
it wasn't easy to leave you alone

It's getting harder each time that I go
If I had the choice
I would stay.

There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

Just imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.

there are really no words strong enough
To describe all my longing for love

I don't want my feelings restrained.
I just need you like never before
Just imagine you'd come through this door

You'd take all my sorrow away.
There's no one like you

I can't wait for the nights with you
No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

I imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
No one like you - I can't wait for the nights with you

Just imagine the things we'll do
I just wanna be loved by you.
There's no one like you!

Autor: Scorpions

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