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Buy 2 bromo 4 methylpropiophenone FROM China Factory

Data: 10 Jan 2024, ora 08:06 / Accesari: 281 / Id: 1679

Buy 2 bromo 4 methylpropiophenone FROM China Factory


We are a powerful chemical product supplier from China.
Export to US, Canada, Australia, RU, UK, Whole Europerope, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Poland, Germany, etc

Keywords: russia 1451-82-7, 2B4M, ukraine 1451-82-7, bk4 kazakhstan, 1451-82-7 moscow, bromoketone-4, 2-bromo-4-methyl propiophenone, buy 1451-82-7, order 1451-82-7, sell 1451-82-7, China 1451-82-7, 1451-82-7 factoty russia 1451-82-7, buy 2-bromo-4-methyl propiophenone, order 2-bromo-4-methyl propiophenone, factory 2-bromo-4-methyl propiophenone, order bromoketone-4, china bromoketone-4

1451-82-7 - Names and Identifiers
Name 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone
Synonyms 2-bromo-4-methylpropiophenone
2-Bromo-4-methyl propiophenone
CAS 1451-82-7
EINECS 1592732-453-0
1451-82-7 - Physico-chemical Properties
Molecular Formula C10H11BrO
Molar Mass 227.101
Density 1.357
Melting Point 75-77 A°C
Boling Point 273 A°C
Flash Point 59 A°C
Storage Condition Refrigerator

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Persoana de contact: Emily LEE
Telefon: +8618627186782
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1451287 - Buy 2 bromo 4 methylpropiophenone FROM China Factory #1
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